How to make a natural homemade hair spray? Very easy!
First of all, why bother making homemade hair sprays when there are lots of ready made affordable hair sprays on sale?
The hair sprays are usually not expensive, but have you paid attention to the ingredient list or have you heard about the term “hair spray poisoning“?
Most of all, I don’t like (I can’t stand) the strong synthetic fragrances which are added to hair sprays. Synthetic fragrances alone can disturb the hormonal system seriously and they do give me a headache, so I do try to avoid them.
Hair sprays also may contain these: Carboxylmethylcellulose, Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Propylene glycol, Polyvinyl alcohol, Hydroflurocarbon, synthetic silicons, and plastic ingredients as film formers. All of these ingredients are considered to be toxic. Using hair sprays regularly can damage your overall health. Hair sprays can also cause allergic skin reactions, eye and nasal irritations, blurred vision, burning of the eyes and the throat, difficulty in breathing or severe rash.
Enough said. Let’s check out the recipe. The below recipes do contain alcohol for shelf life, which is different than denatured alcohol or polyvinyl alcohol. You can use sugar instead of the alcohol.
To make a hair spray you will need a lemon if you have a light hair or an orange if you have a dark hair, distilled water, sugar or some grain alcohol, and essential oils of your choice. You will also need an empty spray bottle with fine mist.
To make a hair spray cut a lemon or an orange and pour the distilled water over it. Bring to a boil and simmer until the liquid is reduced by half. After that strain, discard the lemons and allow the liquid to cool.
In a separate cup mix the alcohol and essential oils. Then mix the lemon water with alcohol mixture. Pour the resulted mixture to your spray bottle and enjoy.
1. Homemade Hair Spray for Light Hair (Medium/Flexible hold)
- 1 whole Lemon fruit
- 2 cups of Distilled Water
- 4 teaspoons of sugar and/or 3 Tbsp of Grain Alcohol (dilute the alcohol to 40%)
- 8 drops of any essential oil of your choice
- Cut the lemon into smaller pieces or wedges.
- Place the cut lemon in a pot with the distilled water.
- Bring to a boil. Simmer until the liquid is reduced by half. That makes about 1 cup total.
- Strain, dissolve the sugar in the hot strained liquid. Adjust the sugar amount depending on how strong you want your hair spray to be. Allow to cool.
- If using an alcohol then mix the alcohol and essential oil first, and then add alcohol mixture to the strained lemon liquid.
- Pour the resulted mixture into a spray bottle with a fine mister using a funnel.
Shelf life is about a week or two if you are using sugar, a few weeks or more if you are using alcohol to make your hair spray.
2. Homemade Hair Spray for Dark Hair (Medium/Flexible hold)
- 1 whole Orange fruit
- 2 cups of Distilled Water
- 4 teaspoons of sugar and/or 3 Tbsp of Grain Alcohol (dilute the alcohol to 40%)
- 8 drops of Orange essential oil (or any other)
- Cut the orange into smaller pieces or wedges.
- Place the cut orange in a pot with the distilled water.
- Bring to a boil. Simmer until the liquid is reduced by half.
- Strain, dissolve the sugar in the hot strained liquid. Adjust the sugar amount depending on how strong you want your hair spray to be. Allow to cool.
- If using an alcohol then mix the alcohol and essential oil first, and then add alcohol mixture to the strained lemon liquid.
- Pour the resulted mixture into a spray bottle using a funnel. Your homemade hair spray is ready!
Shelf life is about a week or two if you are using sugar, a few weeks or more if you are using alcohol to make your hair spray.
3. Simple Homemade Hair Spray
(Without the use of fruits)
- 1.5 cup filtered water
- 2 Tbsp white sugar
- 1 Tbsp vodka
- 10-15 drops of essential oil of your choice
- Boil the water. Dissolve the sugar in it. Allow to cool.
- When cooled down add alcohol and the oils.
- Pour the mixture to the spray bottle.
- Enjoy!