Hi! Thank you for visiting my website! 🙂

My name is Feruza. I am from Uzbekistan.

I am a stay-at-home mom of two.

I love trying new recipes, but not all recipes become my favorite. So I decided to create this website to collect all of my favorite recipes in one place so I can easily access them from anywhere. And here it is!

We are what we eat!

The food is for nourishing the body and it is the main rule in my kitchen. We are what we eat. I believe each bite we put in our mouth makes us healthier or sicker.

I like simplicity, speed, wholesome ingredients, and, of course, the taste!

I have all sorts of recipes, including vegan, gluten-free, and others. I am not vegan, I am not 100% gluten-free. I am OK with organic heirloom grains and I love my homemade rye sourdough bread!

My hobbies

I try to avoid chemicals in skincare products,  household items, and everything else. I usually prefer making them myself when I have time (and mood). I will keep sharing my trials and experience here as well.

I like knitting and sewing, but have no time for that right now.

I love reading. I prefer reading books about nutrition, wellness, education, the universe, and everything related.

I love shopping, as probably most women do, but I do try not to clutter up. The fewer the items – the more organized the house, and the more free time to spend with family.

My education

I have a Master’s degree in Graphic Design & Multimedia and Bachelor’s degree in IT Management. I am willing to continue my education in Holistic Nutrition in near future.

My mother language is Uzbek. My second language is Russian. I also speak English. I am still learning, so forgive my small or big errors in orthography, spelling, or writing. I do know basic Korean and Turkish languages too.

Why “Organic Bio Mama”?

I am not certified organic. I also don’t eat 100% organic. “Organic Bio Mama” means as a Mom I try to nourish my children the right way the same as our ancestors did. Everything was organic back then. Nowadays it is a harder task & not always possible. In fact, I am an ordinary mom who tries her best and does not always achieve that. Trying what really matters. Let’s try together!

Welcome to my corner of tasty nourishing food recipes and other useful tips!
